Healthy Habits Truck Drivers Need to Pickup
Healthy Habits Truck Drivers Need to Pickup -

Healthy Habits Truck Drivers Need to Pickup

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As a truck driver, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with your health. Establishing healthy habits while on (and off) the road can set you up for a happier, longer life. Being constantly on the move can put pressure on your body and mind. Because of this, it is critical to take control of your health and move towards a healthier you. If your wellness journey is making you feel intimidated or overwhelmed, have no fear. is here to teach you how to be a healthy truck driver!

1. Choose Healthier Snacks while on the Road

Walking into a rest stop is similar to walking into a buffet of unhealthy, sugary, processed foods. However, if you look closer, you’ll notice there are healthier options for you to munch on. Not only will you be doing your body favors, but you’ll also be setting yourself up for future healthy habits.

  • Tips for hungry haulers:
    • Prepare meals ahead of time and store them in a cooler or minifridge
    • See if your employer offers any health-related programs like gym membership discounts

Remember: If you’re not quite ready to give up that savory, loaded sub from your favorite truck stop, that’s okay. Try smaller steps towards bettering your health by opting for a healthier drink or side to your sub.

Nothing pairs better with a healthy diet than good fitness. Check out our podcast, Big Rig Banter where we discuss trucker fitness tips just for you!

2. Prioritize your Skin Health and Avoid “Truck Driver Face”

Did you know that you can still get sunburn from inside a car or truck? A commonly forgotten health habit for truckers is to wear protective sunscreen while on the road. Now I know it sounds a little ridiculous to be wearing sunscreen inside of a truck, however, many truckers suffer from truck driver face. Significant sun exposure can result in painful sunburn, and in some cases, skin cancer. Luckily for you, has some sun protection tips to lessen the long-term effects of sun exposure and keep your skin looking healthy. 

  • Tips for tanning truckers:
    • Hydrate to keep your skin feeling refreshed
    • Use face lotion before sleeping and after washing your face   

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We’ve heard it before, drinking water is the absolute #1 health tip. Well, it’s true! Regularly drinking water helps regulate digestion, maintain core body temperatures, energize muscles, and so much more. Also, if losing weight is your goal, drinking water can help curb snacking and make you feel less hungry throughout the day. As a truck driver, it can be easy to forget to hydrate when you are focusing on the road or loading up your trailer. Have no fear, has the solution to all of your dehydration demands!

  • Tips for Dehydrated Drivers:
    • Invest in a reusable water bottle to avoid buying plastic, disposable water bottles
    • Get a minifridge or cooler to keep your water nice and cold
Tired trucker

4. Get Your Well-Deserved Rest

Your demanding career may oftentimes lead you into a state of sleep deprivation. Did you know that sleep deprivation not only affects thinking and concentration, but can also increase your chances of early death? Sleep, like water and air, is a basic requirement for survival. That’s why it is critical that you don’t neglect your sleeping. After all, it’s a truck driver’s nightmare to fall asleep at the wheel, so don’t let it happen to you. If you’re struggling to get the optimal amount of sleep for your age, has some rest recommendations for you!

5. Take Care of Yourself

Often overlooked, mental health is as important as physical health. Depression in truckers can stem from feelings of isolation and loneliness while on the road for long periods. In fact, truckers are twice as likely to suffer from depression than non-truckers. Instead of embracing the feeling of loneliness and accepting that it’s just part of the job, there are things you can do to help reduce these feelings. If taking care of mental health seems daunting, don’t sweat it, has a few tips to help you get started.

  • Tips for trucker self-care:
    • Give loved ones a call or text
    • Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings
    • Reach out to a therapist if you feel you need help

6. Keep your Space Clean and Organized

Do you know what they say about messy truck cabins? Me either! But it can’t be good that’s for sure. Keeping your truck clean and organized will not only save you time and energy when looking for coins wedged in the seat cushions, but it will also help you feel more comfortable. Thankfully, the internet is jam-packed with trucking organization and cleaning tips to help you declutter your temporary home on wheels. Need some additional cleaning advice? is here to help you keep your space spotless!

  • Tips for cluttered cabins:
    • Schedule a time to clean your cabin to stick to a routine
    • Purchase multi-purpose disinfectant wipes to wipe down interior surfaces
    • Invest in a small garbage can to manage litter

Although choosing whole wheat bread instead of white bread, drinking water, and keeping your cabin sparkling clean is a step in the right direction, remember that becoming healthy doesn’t happen overnight. So, don’t beat yourself up if you’re struggling to manage your healthy lifestyle. Small steps in the right direction are always better than no steps. Adopting just a few of these health tips can improve your well-being and help you manage the load of your trucker lifestyle.

Author: Hit The Road Jack

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