As more states continue to legalize recreational and medicinal marijuana, there are growing questions on the impact this will have on the trucking industry. Weed has already been decriminalized in 37 states, with an increasing number of states hopping on the trend. So, what’s the future going to look like – can truckers smoke weed without facing legal consequences?
Although the substance is flourishing in popularity, and being embraced by many sectors, the transportation industry still isn’t budging when it comes to truckers smoking weed. It is a tricky topic because, while weed is legal for medical and recreational use in many states, it is still illegal at the federal level under the Controlled Substance Act. Those who want to continue working as a truck driver are left to wonder how a positive THC drug test will affect their career. Trucker drivers want to know if it is possible to hold both a valid commercial driving license and a medical marijuana card.
Other questions linger too, such as whether or not it’s legal to transport marijuana across state lines. Marijuana and truck drivers have been a hot-button issue over the last few years. Let’s take a look!
Everything You Want to Know: Can Truckers Smoke Weed?
Marijuana and truck drivers: Can truckers smoke weed in places where it is legal to do so?
The Department of Transportation’s Office (DOT) of Drug and Alcohol Policy remains resolute in its regulations regarding truckers smoking weed. Even though medical marijuana is legal in over half the United States, the federal government still has it listed as a Schedule 1 substance. This places it in the same category as incredibly harmful drugs like heroin. Schedule I drugs are, according to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, “…drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” So even though the U.S. is moving to legalize weed on a state level, industries such as trucking don’t benefit because they are highly regulated at the federal level. No matter what state you’re in, it is illegal to drive while under the influence of marijuana.
Truckers (that want to keep their job) can’t take part in smoking weed Until marijuana is removed from the Controlled Substance Act as a Schedule 1 drug. If a truck driver fails a drug test, Medical Review Officers will not tolerate the results even if he or she has a valid medical marijuana prescription card.
As marijuana legalization takes the country by storm, major trucking organizations are left in a tricky position. With the high turnover rate in the industry in past years, many are arguing that that the strict anti-marijuana policies are effectively preventing an entire group of potential drivers from entering the industry.
What happens when truckers fail a drug test for marijuana use?
Even though truckers do not have to worry about the law (if they’re in a state that has legalized weed), they do have to worry about their employer. Let’s say a trucker tests positive on a drug test for THC, the chemical in weed responsible for the psychological effects of the drug. Regardless of the circumstances, their employer should terminate them based on DOT’s regulations. The substance is on its way to being fully legalized throughout the United States, so many truckers view this as unfair.. This essentially prevents truckers from ever using marijuana recreationally, or for medicinal purposes despite scientific proof that it is an effective form of alternative medicine.
If a truck driver smoked weed legally in their home state on a Friday, they could still fail a drug test on Monday and be fired from their job immediately. THC stays in your system much longer than alcohol, allowing it to show up in drug tests days or weeks later. A daily smoker will have traceable amounts of THC in their system for up to a month. So even if you aren’t high on the job, you can still be released from work if you fail the drug test days later. The law considers truck drivers with any trace of marijuana in their system as impaired. Truck drivers who choose to smoke and drive risk losing their jobs and receiving a DUI.
Can truckers transport weed across state lines?
Despite the fact that weed may be legal in one state, it remains illegal for truck drivers to transport marijuana across state lines. And the consequences are severe with federal criminal prosecution. However, within each state, the rules may differ. If you work in a state that has legalized marijuana, then you can transport the substance. But only if you have a license to transport through the business you’re working for. Each state has distinct laws and regulations so be extremely careful to check (and then double check) that you are complying with all rules. And, of course, avoid all state lines!
As you probably guessed, it is definitely illegal to transport weed in states that have yet to legalize pot in any way, shape, or form.
How does marijuana use impair driving?
It doesn’t come as a surprise to hear that it’s dangerous to drive while under the influence. While marijuana affects people differently than other substances, like alcohol, it’s still a bad idea to get behind the wheel. Especially if you’re hauling a large truck.
When on the road, you need to be functioning with a clear mind to keep you and the other drivers safe. However, marijuana affects the body’s motor and cognitive skills. Your judgment and reaction time will be delayed, your motor control will be limited, and you’ll struggle to concentrate. Not ideal when you are operating a large vehicle!
But remember, this is only true if you smoke weed immediately before hopping in your truck. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, marijuana can impair your driving skills for more than 3 hours. So, if you choose to use marijuana on your days off, you won’t feel the effects when you clock in for your shift.
This remains a hot topic, and rightfully so. States and the federal government are on opposing sides of the argument, leaving truckers hanging in the middle. Can truckers smoke weed? Legally no. But many may choose to do so if their state has legalized it, risking the chance of being randomly selected for drug testing. It comes down to how high of risk you’re willing to run to get high!
How do you feel about truckers smoking weed? We’d love to hear your opinion on this topic! Let us know in the comments.
August 8, 2015
dont trust the government.
July 20, 2016
You can still face l lawsuit from someone you hit in an accident.
April 21, 2022
I have been a trucker for 9 years of those 9 I was otr for 7 in those 7 years I smoked every night after my shift and never had an accidenti actually got good sleep I mean when you are running refers you need some refer when you shut down cuz that trailer is loud asf, I do think holding out on the trucking community is overlooking potential drivers who can do the job well
July 30, 2018
Big oil, (because of hemp oil, & Big pharma, & corrupt Government. -is why there’s still prohibition on weed. Enough Said
July 30, 2018
Big oil, because of hemp oil Big pharma, & corrupt government. Enough Said
November 18, 2020
As an insomniac it is difficult for me to get a good nights sleep. I used to smoke pot in high school to get to sleep. Now im relegated to using over the counter sleep aids. The key ingredient is diaphrinhydramine . This drug has been linked to diseases such as early onset dementia and alshymers. If the government got rid of these oppressive law i would switch to marijuana in a heart beat.
July 22, 2022
Would love to start my dream career as a truck driver an I suffer since birth from insomnia and I need marijuana to control my anxiety
just to have a regular appetite an sleep patterns during stressful periods. Almost 40 an finally know what I wanna d o with my life an this one thing keeps me from my dreams and high earning potential, feel like I’m going to die without fulfilling my dreams an time is running out!
April 16, 2019
I find it a little fucked up that most doctors and nurses don’t get drug tested after getting the job or at all but I have to worry about losing my job over smoking a joint after a long week of work in a state that it’s legal in.. and they wonder why they have a driver shortage now the technology is out there to test if you’ve been smoking within a given amount of time why is it not be spread out to all the cops out there and finally change this stupid law. Weed should not be in the same category as her ion…
December 20, 2019
The only thing drug testing is doing is turning a lot of people into alcoholics
April 19, 2020
It’s totally discrimination that you can’t use marijuana in a legal state, off duty, a week, two weeks, one time before coming back to work and STILL get tested positive.. it’s almost like weed doesn’t want to leave your system! Hmm. Yet as a CDL holder you can get absolutely shit faced drunk and come to work the next day and no one gives a shit. I’d like to see a world someday with less hard workers that are alcoholics, drinking their lives away and harming themselves. This is the year 2020 and something needs to change. I can go get a prescription for antidepressants, antianxiety, opiates for pain, adderal. Fucking. Anything as long as a doctor prescribes it. And that’s okay. But I can’t smoke a joint on Friday night and not worry about losing my job two weeks later. Bullshit system. Help the hard working Americans!
August 7, 2021
The person saying they can get prescribed opiates and be okay…. You’re wrong my friend, prescriptions for NOT override the law of drug testing! You cannot drive with any trace of influencing drugs in your system regardless of how you got it!
October 25, 2021
I AGREE WITH rather smoke a joint and get a good night rest instead of drinking a beer and trying to sleep that doesn’t help me next of driving the system is a bunch of crap..doesnt take a scientist to understand this.
June 19, 2021
It’s crazy and stupid there is nothing wrong with weed as long as you are responsible. They should be doing this with the alcohol. Alcohol is more dangerous than weed. But like I said it’s all about power, money, and control. SMH.
March 5, 2022
I agree that this could happen.
February 20, 2023
Trucker’s rally and refuse any drug testing for THC
They can’t suspend/fire all of us
Together we can make a difference
August 15, 2020
When are truckers going to shut down all accross this country and force feed the issue,!!!!!!
August 24, 2021
i think this could work someone should of been put this in full effect
January 30, 2022
Spot on !
September 23, 2020
Start a revolution! Make a website that has a shutdown date for truckers! Get everyone on the site and shutdown till they pass marijuana legally federally!!! WE ARE THE POWER! WE ARE THE PEOPLE!
October 17, 2020
You’re a legit dumb fuck. You’re probably voting for Biden you ignorant piece of shit. Without truck drivers you wouldn’t have shit.
December 31, 2020
Your irrational post is not even a valid argument. All you do is call them dumb, swear at them and talk about who they voted for. It is pretty obvious you can’t hold an adult conversation. So, sit down and shut up.
August 24, 2021
love the idea hell yea
August 7, 2021
And don’t trust a trucker that is so intent on getting high that they’ll risk their license!
Just don’t do it. It’s that simple!
October 25, 2021
I think it should be 100% legal on federal. Weed helps with pain and when we sit all day and have pain it helps for a really good night sleep. alcohol is worse you don’t get a good night sleep and have could possibly have a hangover and put everyone in danger the next day depending on how much you have to drink to help you pass out because of your pain. People are all different so when people say just don’t do lol shut the hell up you OBVIOUSLY DONT drive and understand everyone is different .
March 18, 2022
I can back a 50 foot trailer up a blue birds ass. Wake up America let us Class A drivers blow off some stream!!!
November 23, 2015
Unfortunately, “Just don’t do it!” isn’t acceptable for the responsible, intelligent, hardworking, and taxpaying citizen that chooses to use an alternative medicine.
February 28, 2016
It is amazing, anyone can go to the dr. And get prescribed pain killers,amphetamines and other highly abbused drugs,and drive a commercial vehicle because they have a prescrition. But i cant get off work and have a little smoke to relax,something proven to be healthy, instead i drink to unwind. Say what you want, its my choice to what helps me cope, only the responsible drivers would never smoke weed and drive a tractor trailer, so we get punished in our down time for the idiots who just dont care about safety of others.
May 18, 2017
Well said
June 13, 2017
Well put
September 21, 2017
i sadly just lost my job for testing positive for THC 9 days after i smoked on a weekend my own personal time, i had to do a drug treatment program where all ,but me was there for heroin use. my career is likely over for smoking some weed in a state where it is legal, I will never be able to find a Trucking Job that will pay me what i have built up for over 18 years, This is the first time in ever testing positive for anything.
October 18, 2018
I tested positive, went through the program, and started driving after I got my certificates. That was 6 yrs ago.
January 9, 2020
That’s pretty sad considering you would have little problem keeping your job if you got a DUI in your personal vehicle
September 21, 2017
?This. Except my Tractor/trailers are Lineman vehicles (poles n cables).
October 30, 2017
You took the words out of my mouth bro, the law is bullshit…!! Marijuana is completely safe !!
November 4, 2017
February 27, 2018
Yeah I agree, what I do on my own time. I am a truck driver myself. I do not drink nor do any drugs during my work week. But, if I am at a party Friday night and decide to take a couple of tokes or whatever, it’s my right. I am not driving nor working. My freedom!!!!!. To do what I want. So they are basically saying, we control you guys even when you are not on the clock. Those guys that abused the system screwed us that are responsible. If I got high Saturday night. I’m not damn high Monday for work assholes. They have to change the system. What’s funny is. If I get high. Wow. It might be twice on 1 year. I should have the freedom to what I want on my days off.
October 22, 2018
The Government has been controlling us in the trucking industry Since 1950. We cant strike or drink or smoke cigarette or pot now .But everybody in other industry can do what they think is good for them to inprove the quality of live. But when a truck driver wants better thing for them and their family . Government says NO NO NO NO go back to work and shut the FK.UP Go Back to work and the general public hates us well.Nobody about a dump ass truck driver we come first TRUCKER ARE LAST.If we were smart should go strike for 36 hrs watch economy crash. Then we might get some right .The SYSTEM is broken Time to stand up to Government and the General public. Lets show them who really feeds North America . TRUCKER TRUCKER TRUCKER TRUCKER TRUCKER.Thank you for your Time.Canadian TRUCKER And American TRUCKER .
October 25, 2021
RIGHT WELL SAID ..its all control bunch of crap
June 6, 2018
You sir are absolutely correct and I’m with you a 100% I’m a disabled vet and if I let the va they would OD me with all the meds that pot could help
June 19, 2018
I agree. If I choose to be a weekend smoker it should not reflect on my job during the week. Yeah don’t drink and drive or smoke and drive…but I feel it’s an invasion of my rights if I’m puffing at him after work or weekend. I don’t drink and prescription drugs can kiss my ass. Been puffing for 40 years and am a responsible husband and father. Got my cell and had to stop.. No Withdrawals.. so if anyone claims that it’s addictive. They’ve never smoked. Pissed and clean..cant wait to retire just to puff and relax
October 8, 2018
Yes eroc…you said it. Just like alcohol. I like my beers after work. I can drink all weekend, Stop drinking at 5om Sunday. And when I wake up. I’m fine. Pass a breathalyzer. But you smoke weed Friday night, sat night and a little Sunday and stop at 5pm. Monday I’m not high. Yes still in my system and so is Alcohol if you take a urine test, Alcohol also takes 3 days to rid in your liver. The law system is fucked up cause they don’t have a test to tell if you are high right now and at want level. Only Alcohol by breath. They don’t wanna spend the money to make these test….Lol…..get it…they will have to spend money……
November 8, 2018
Right on spot with that my friend.
April 13, 2020
You cant drive a truck on any meds legal or illegal.
February 2, 2022
your the only one correct on this deal even prescription drugs cannot be used while driving nice job knowing what you are talking about
October 20, 2017
I just lost my job and my cdl for having an empty bottle of CBD in my truck. I had no idea this was illegal, I didn’t use it while driving only on weekends. I should not have had it in my truck at all, but now I’m unemployed, homeless, and can’t drive a truck for a year.
October 8, 2018
Wait they sell it in smokeshops here in NY…..what do you mean…..I smoke that oil….they say it’s illegal….
June 19, 2018
Sure support the legal drug dealers. Drs. Have handed out soon many prescriptions on zanex,oxicodone etc. And I’ve am a responsible family man that’s been paying taxes for over 37 years
June 27, 2018
I have a CDL Class A and have smoked weed for many years. Not before or during work. Always on my own time and after everything was done. At night before I go to bed while watching tv with my wife. I failed a random drug test a while back and like Eroc said i had to go to a drug treatment program that consisted of heroin crack and cocaine users. Marijuana is so far from those drugs it’s ridiculous. I had to do it to save my job. It costed me thousands of dollars. I am not an addict nor did it effect my performance or everyday life like those drugs do. I have four kids and two in college. I pay my bills own a home a take care of my kids and everything was great ’til this happened. After stopping smoking weed I had anxiety pain and all sorts of other problems I did not even realize it was helping me with. I have 4 herniated discs in my back and all the pain came back from that and now I take oxy and a lot of other narcotic pain relievers and have to take xanax as well. But it’s ok from me to drive and haul heavy equipment on oxy and xanax. I think that’s ridiculous and far more dangerous eh damn letting me smoke a couple of joints at night and be ready to go the next day. I’m really upset about it but cannot find another job that pays what I get paid right now to do this. Please let me know what you all think. Thanks and good luck out there.
October 27, 2019
I.’m in the same boat,just failed a test after being on vacation for three weeks,so now I find I can’t sleep, back pain is worse,started smoking cigarettes again,I’m irritable and angry all the time,have no appitite,and no ambition to do anything. I can’t function like I used to,so I’m wondering if I could get a medical disability out of this,I mean those assholes are forcing me out of work.
January 2, 2020
This is so stupid why should it matter if they cant prove if the driver is high on the spot? Just because you piss out thc doesnt mean that your high on spot. This is wrong. Before drug tests came about i garantee most trucker were smoking weed and there were no accidents. Nowadays the government wants to be nosey. Dont worry about what we piss out. Marijuana is misunderstood. Most government leaders never smoked it but they think they know everything. How stupid
September 20, 2020
Is possession of marijuana charge a drug and alcohol violation for the “clearinghouse “
August 4, 2016
Marijuana helps me sleep. So what is worse? A sleepy driver or a well rested driver? I’m pretty sure that if you drive a 70 foot long 80,000 pound vehicle at 60 mph down the highway with your eyes closed and unconscious, is far more dangerous than being conscious and alert with your eyes open.
September 25, 2016
This is why Americans don’t follow laws. Our laws aren’t in place to protect lives (eating too many animal products account for 12 out of the 15 leading causes of death in the US), our laws are in place to protect industrial profits. Marijuana will take over the oil, pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. The only question you should be asking yourself is “what side of history do you wish to end up on?”
October 25, 2016
I am a comercial Diver & I work on a crew that everyone has to be ready or something could go really wrong. I would much rather have someone that stayed home and smoked some pot last night running my mixed gas rack over some asshole that went to the bar til 2 a.m.. Now having a “DUMB day” keep that drunk bastard OFF MY DECK & send me a pothead PRETTY PLEASE
April 1, 2019
Wow, that was an amazing post. You sir have a purpose in this life. Not only was it very articulate but it was irrefutable.
October 25, 2016
The U.S. government is a joke! Just look at this presidential race. We have a reality T.V. star running for office & one of the biggest lyers in Washington running. Do you REALLY expect anything smart to come from the federal government? If you do i have a Planet I want to sell you. Obama is the BEST thing America has seen for at least 30 years. We need young ambitious leaders that are willing to research medical marijuana so they can see smoking pot is way better than bottles and bottles of pain killers & muscle relaxers that destroy your liver!
May 5, 2017
Donald Trump just did more AGAINST the war on drugs than any President since the W.O.D. was started by Nixon….Trump just slashed the D.E.A.’s budget by 94%! All Obama ever gave us was “lip-service”! He did nothing to further our cause other than to say “of course I inhaled, that was the point”. My died in the wool Democrat buddy just called and told me that and said “next election I’m voting for Trump!”.
November 28, 2019
Congress just federally legalized marijuana on Wednesday, but it still has to pass the Republican Senate. Dems don’t as often vote in the two year elections. This time, it suddenly became important.
August 23, 2020
obviously you are on crack, because Obama didn’t do a damn thing for marijuana, and tried to ruin this country through apologies, weakness and corruption. He also did nothing about the opioid issue, which I think is a non issue, but whatever, he did nothing but cash for clunkers, gave Iran 150B and straddled us with an illegal tax for not having insurance. Oh, he also gave a bunch of people obama phones, what a legacy.
March 20, 2017
Will smoking weed affect me getting my license at all? I know i have to do a urine test. But will that become a problem for getting my truck license? Do i need to quit? I dont smoke and drive just at night time before bed.
April 15, 2017
Yes, you’ll have to take a DOT physical and you can’t use synthetic piss for that test because they test for blood sugar markers in your pee… but for randoms I suggest quick fix synthetic urine
August 24, 2017
you need to quit, make sure you know u will be clean for a drug test, , these tests will haunt u. I just got suspended for testing positive, first time in 18 fkn years i tested positive, and the only reason was because its legal here in my state for recreational use, ya ummm that doesn’t matter to the federal gov, they still call it illegal even with all the benefits it has for so many people in cluding myself, I now have to take a substance abuse course because i smoked some weed on my time to help ease the pain of sciatica, diabetes, and inability to sleep. i hate pills so i never asked doc for pills they just suck .. anyways DONT SMOKE , again make sure u know u will be clean b4 u start testing for jobs, and never smoke weed again.. thank the federal gov for these restrictions, can’t legalize it on a fed level ,because that will take million away from the BIG PHARMAS…
October 13, 2017
March 23, 2017
I couldn’t agree more with all these comments, smoking weed is a much healthier alternative too drinking or using hard “legal” drugs, weed is not a drug, it’s a plant put here on Gods green earth for us to use as we see fit! Anyone that believes the bs propaganda that has been around for almost the last century needs to wake the hell up or better yet mind they’re own damn business, we have the right too enjoy ourselves in our own time, I’m a father of three children, a veteran and a hard working tax paying citizen that respects the rights and saftey of others, like many other drivers out there I have medical problems that marijuana treats my symptoms better than anything I’ve tried! Unfortunately I have to deal with my pain like everyone else due to a fear of some asshole texting or driving impaired that may commit idiot suicide using my tractor as the weapon! To think we don’t have to cause the accident yet end up in jail then court being sued for THC in our system from the night before, even though after smoking the night before we are well rested and ready for business up and running early in the morning usually before the average drunk is passing out!!! Sad! And to answer the question about getting your license you will be fine, just landing a job will be the tough part due too strict DOT regulations and presceen drug test, no urinalysis for your license, there will be a screening for your medical card, I could have melted the cup on mine but they are only checking for state of health, unless it’s your future employer pasting for it, if so unfortunately you’ll have to clean up!
April 3, 2017
I been a truck driver for many years. And unfortunately back pain comes with it.i am looking for something for pain.i am afraid if i started smoking for the pain .when iam not driving. I won’t lose my CDL. I can’t afford to do so.but i can’t fine anything to help me with back pain. .dept of transportation has the saying of our lives when it comes to us truck drivers. ..
April 13, 2017
Containerport in Garfield heights ohio let’s their drivers smoke weed and drink till three hours before they drive on Monday morning they need to text every week without letting them know that way drivers can not prepare odor should be notified example on physicals
June 18, 2017
Cbd oil is an active ingredient in weed and is legal and also isnt tested for. Cbd’s are great for pain and anxiety most head shops sell it
April 26, 2017
I will hire cannabis users over alcoholics all day long. Too many issues with alcoholics, the only issue I have with the cannabis users is that I can’t keep the vending machines full, which is not a bad thing. After a holiday weekend or any weekend when my drivers come back, it’s always the alcoholics that I don’t know if they will make it in and if they do they look like they fell asleep under their truck, and they are not in the best of moods coming back. Why is this not being discussed? The cannabis users come back refreshed and ready to go not all hung over. We in the trucking industry should start turning away our paety drivers which put a bigger hazzard on the road than cannabis users. A hung over driver has no response time and is grumpy. I have had to only send the drinkers home due to not being able to drive. The trucking industry is under old laws, old laws that were creating by people that had vested interests of the time. Now we have been stuck with laws that are no longer relevant.
September 25, 2017
Can you send me info on how to get in touch with you? My girlfriend has her CDL’s and drives a school bus and smoked on her summer break and got tested last week and was dirty and she will know in a day or 2 if she will lose her job even though it is legal to smoke here and will more than likely have to find a new job. It was 6 weeks since she smoked and it still showed up dirty and she really likes driving and she don’t know what she will do if she can’t get another job with her CDL’s after having them for almost 10 years.
October 13, 2017
Really? Let me work for u .. I haven’t smoked since I got my license in June but I can’t pass a test and so desperately need and want experience! Please get in touch with me ..
October 13, 2017
Its important to me to prove to the children that it is ok to try for something and change yourself along the way..
October 28, 2017
Are you hiring drivers now, I have a friend looking for a job ASAP He failed a test doesn’t smoke was around a lot of smokers
August 14, 2018
Nobody fails a test just because the were “around other people smoking”
February 1, 2018
Hey you hiring?
June 19, 2018
I agree now you have to look for new employment due to the use of oil for diabetes and they consider it a failed marijuana test. I’m an excellent truck driver been driving for over 12 years with a class a. I just need a job that allows me to do my job without no bs from marijuana that is now legal and they are getting taxes on. Smh
May 1, 2019
I have driven a trucks for over 20 years and never had an accident or any other points on my license.where are you?. I need to work.
September 9, 2019
My team driver just got hit with a random and was at a party on home time when he smoked. Now we are waiting on the results. I hope they come back clean but only time will tell. He is a great driver. No problems at all. Just lets his hair down after 5 weeks on the road.
May 6, 2017
I think all truckers need to stand up for themselves and tell BOTH American and Canadian governments to back off with the controlling of peoples lives… I can’t tell a judge, cop, or anybody else what to do, SO what gives them the right to dictate what others do on their free time.. All smoking truckers need to shut off their trucks and say screw you.. Lets see how these countries survive without groceries, fuel, automobiles, lumber, and everything else truckers haul.. It’s time for everyone to say SCREW YOU…. We’re ‘NOT’ letting you dictate our lives…
September 14, 2017
Hell yeah, I agree
February 27, 2018
Dude, I love it. I partied on Saturday night. Got tested Thursday. Still waiting. I was not high on Monday. WTF. I’ll stand up. It’s bullshit. If I get high on pot, coke, take a Vicodin on Saturday night. I am NOT high on damn Monday. What I do on my own time is none of their business. Yes you do have those assholes that do these drugs while driving. Well, they are retarded. It’s like drinking and driving. I will NOT drink and drive cause I don’t wanna kill someone. This asshole government gotta stop controlling us. Fuck them. What I do on my days off is none of their business.
December 10, 2018
Hell yeah I’m in I have been driving trucks for 10 years , had a incident at work on a construction site where the brakes skip on someone else truck ,back into the arm and bucket of a Excavator no damage was done boss wasn’t even there still thought to send me in for a post accident drug test and I tested positive for traces of metabolites and lost my job hadn’t smoked in 3 weeks this shit is absurd something needs to be done about these laws oh yeah no one was even in the excavtor. Need a job if someone hiring no tickets and no accidents on my license .
March 7, 2019
Carl Parton, I like where you’re going with this except for the last part. I agree that telling the government to fuck off when it comes to personal matters and “free choice” is alright. But if truckers just “Shut off there trucks and said Screw You” then it wouldn’t be hurting the federal government, but in turn “We The People” ourselves would suffer. Because what happens when Susan next door can’t run to the store and get bread if there isn’t any to be had? Or Bryan across the street can’t get toilet paper to wipe his ass with anymore? It’s not about striking and demanding. It’s about standing up to the government and demanding unforfeited human rights, and Free Choice, not cutting off the people to what they so greatly need.
June 13, 2017
We should have rights as hard working tax payer to be able to vote on this matter since there are people out there who sits home all day and live off our taxs and are are able spend it on weed and smoke all day. I also believe there be more people welling to become CDL driver if is wasnt an issue. Im ready to vote for all rights i say if a cop can use it for medical purpose what gives them the right to lock us up he has to be just as sharp or sharper than a CDL driver, they get in high speed chase and are carrying a deadly weapon. “Rights for all”
July 23, 2017
I think marijuana needs to be taken off the drug test panel for dot drivers and I find it funny no marijuana but narcotic pain pills they don’t test for. Interesting now tell me there is no big pharm money in Washington HA HA. The federal government needs to stay the hell out of people’s lives. All marijuana does is help pain anxiety and all it leads too is food.
September 21, 2017
So if i.have my cdl and only get called to drive a rig every blue moon but get called in for a random dot drug test I could either loss my job or class a?
November 19, 2017
In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.
February 28, 2018
Had a couple of tokes outside of a bar after drinking too much on St. Patrick’s day and not thinking straight. I got tested the next day almost 24 hours after smoking. Two days later I get called into the office at work. Got my job threatened, forced leave of absence, lost pay, forced to go to a psychiatrist to determine how much of an addiction I have, then forced to intrude on a Narcotics Anonymous gathering of unfortunate people with legitimate drug problems and falsely introduce myself as an addict, then 6 random WITNESSED urine tests at a methadone clinic in an unsavory area of the city. I wasn’t allowed to return to work until I could test clean(3 weeks) Not to mention missing out on a promotion that I otherwise would have gotten. I undoubtedly had co-workers talking about me behind my back and judging me. It was extremely nerve racking and embarrassing. I was lucky enough to keep my job though, thanks to my union president going to bat for me. Law abiding, tax paying, hard working people should not have to go through all that B.S. because of something that should never have been illegal in the first place. Enough is enough! They need to come up with a way to test for actual marijuana impairment. Professional drivers deserve the same rights as all citizens and shouldn’t have to worry about jeopardizing their job because of something they put in their body during their own free time.
June 19, 2018
They need evaluate the testing process. Your rRghts are being Infringed if your a weekend puffer or puff after work in the PRIVACY of your OWN HzOME. And for the Federal Part of the Government to Categorize Marijuana in the same category as Heroin Give me a break. Hey feds take this test. Smoke a couple of joints then shoot up a bag of heroin . See which you’ll be hooked on..Dumbass
June 20, 2018
If we all went on strike and demanded they changed these rules then they would have no choice
July 22, 2018
January 19, 2020
do it
August 14, 2018
I lost my job because I popped dirty for weed. Even tho the only time I EVER smoked in 20 years was AFTER work and weekends and on MY OWN TIME! But it was ok for most of the guys I worked with to snort oxys and percs WHILE ON THE JOB because they had a prescription! Now virtually everyone I know that has a cdl is an alcoholic or a prescription drug addict…FUCK YOU D.O.T. AND FUCK YOU FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!! If you assholes would stop treating weed the same as heroin….there wouldn’t be THOUSANDS of people driving commercial vehicles every day while under the influence of OPIATES! It’s the government’s fault that this has happened. I cant count how many guys I know that used to just smoke some weed at home to unwind….but now they are full blown drug addicts
October 22, 2018
Time TRUCKER took action and show the government and General public who really feeds north America TRUCKER TRUCKER TRUCKER
October 31, 2018
Ever blow out your back? Like really bad, Laying on the ground can’t move bad? Now picture your alone in a dirt lot 1,000Mil’s from home, The pain persists for the next week straight, You have a family to support & bills to pay you gotta keep moving, Keep in mind you have 4 clock’s that are running down, You have to get this load on the next paycheck, So you suck it up & keep rolling, for the next 10hrs your managing/calculating your speed & stopping distance keeping in mind the total weight of your vehicle going through all types or road condition’s dealing with careless driver’s & trying to be prepared for any unforeseen consequences of a small mistake all while fighting the clock & fatigue, Trucker’s deal with more stress than most people realize, I’ve honestly only scratched the surface, There’s still Mechanical problems that can cause a catastrophic failure & kill, All the Health problems that come with sitting for 11hrs a day, DOT hiding in the bushes… All while being away from your *Life* for weeks on end, This industry puts strain on your relationships, physical & mental health slowly over time. Oh god forbid you do the drug tests will only find the one harmless natural herb that will keep your soul from dying…
April 1, 2019
Omg, husband and wife team well until 5 days ago due to weed. That was gut level. You are so right!
December 30, 2018
This is one aspect of cannabis legalization regulators have to address, Great eye-opener post!
January 2, 2019
Perfectly said!!!!
January 9, 2019
Be mindful when driving! Cannabis can either clear or cloud the mind!
July 24, 2019
Lets put it this way.. cigarette smells WEED smells . U get a lil buzz off cigarettes & you get a lil buzz off WEED. Ive been smoking for almost 15 years never felt better. Im in shape & can do much better things when i treat myself to a lil weed. The riches ppl smoke weed & they are absolutely fine . Soo pretty please tell me what the fck is the difference between a cigarette & weed . There both rolled in paper & you smoke it . So to whom made the law of weed being super bad . Your retarted. ITS THE SAME SHIT JUST A DIFFERENT TOILET!! dumass ! Oh and one more thing alcohol should be a drug you can die if you drink too much, ppl fight & get violent when intoxicated, everyone who drivers drunk dies or kills someone . Ive never heard of a person overdosed over weed nor get in a accidented while high nor get aggressive over so damn weed . IN OTHER WORDS WEED SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE A CIGARETTE!
July 28, 2019
There is fast-growing support for legalizing medical marijuana and decriminalizing it recreationally in many parts of the country but it doesn’t mean that the are allowed to use it while they are on their job.
December 7, 2019
I believe that is very possible to smoke weed n operate a vehicle of that size. Its just all in how much u use. i used to myself n i started soon as i got thru my drug test. Class a driver at 26 now 32 now i didnt drive all those years consecutively did all east coast n southern states. Trained in western area. You have to be responsible n the problem is theres not alot of responsible weed smokers. To do this kind of profession this job is not to be played it must be taken serious.
May 25, 2020
Hi, I’m a 41 yr old male Class A Commercial Driver and i been smoking Marijuana on and off my whole life… I have over a Million miles accident free and I’m fed up with this law. I never Smoked while driving or before going to work only at the end of my day and on the weekends but I would have anxiety worrying about failing a drug test even though I was never impaired behind the wheel. I personally feel that marijuana is a better alternative than alcohol for unwinding and relaxing after a hard days work.. there’s no hangover and alcohol has longer lasting effects long after you stopped drinking for example (headaches, nausea and fatigue) yet you can legally operate any kind of vehicle even an airplane 10hrs after consuming (Smh).. that’s absolutely ridiculous. Let me get this right.. Because marijuana stays in your system for 30 days you hold it against us for thirty days? But when you consume marijuana the effects only last 1-3 hrs.. lol.. Schedule I drug???.. in the same category as heroin and lsd.. lmao.. a crack head or a heroin addict can operate machinery after using without a trace 1-3 days later so their good to go???… Lmao.. an alcoholic can be up allnight puking with a hangover but as long as he or she stopped drinking 10 hrs prior to coming into work their good to go?(LMAO)… This law is ridiculous.. people do what they wanna do regardless of the law… But responsible people obey the law and are frustrated because they rather smoke a joint and relax and watch a movie with their family after a long days work and wake up fresh without a hangover and go to work with a smile on their face knowing when they get home their gonna wash up have a good meal hug and kiss their family members kick their feet up and roll up another one and hurry up and take their ass back to sleep cause we got some more work to do in the morning… Let our hard working Men and women be free to consume the “plant” that God put on this earth in their free time and hold those accountable and penalize those that choose to operate any machinery under any influence.
July 1, 2020
In California it is completely legal for everyone to buy and consume/smoke except drivers. I can buy a bottle of alchohol drink my self to the point of killing myself and be hung over an entire day following but smoking marijuana on let’s say a Friday night after work on a long week is unacceptable? Who many people die off weed compared to alchohol? Whoever makes these assumptions about marijuana has obviously never tried marijuana them selves. Oh and during covid-19 lockdown it’s a essential business and open to dispense, except to the hard working truckers that work through any pandemic. Lame
January 9, 2021
I’m not paranoid. But when I want to be paranoid, I smoke weed.
August 13, 2021
The reason why there are so many fucked up things going on in this country is we allow them to control us I say we all nation wide protest saying no trucking till we can smoke on our free time
October 7, 2021
I have been driving truck for 25 yrs and have smoked longer than I have been driving. My driving record in spotless. I smoked on my off time and never used on the road. I watched a guy at a truck stop pit away 12 beers and was gone 5 hours later. They sell alcohol at truck stops WTF. but I’m a danger. Get real
October 20, 2021
Is this accurate to the 2021 contex?🙂👨🏭 I am ready to fire my joint that I purchased last nigh ar a someshop here in Wynwood, FL.
December 17, 2021
I have smoked weed 50+ years Have drove across the US with 10 ft of snow under me. now am not qualified if it has been a week or more after smoking. and this is now for life even if I am clean.
January 21, 2022
Sad that after all this time, and %70 of the nation in favor, that this is still illegal on federal level with heroine…
June 9, 2024
I’m sorry , but, if weed is legal for truckers, it will be consumed before and during driving.
We all know it’s true.
And when your high, your not sober.
Plain and simple